понедельник, 3 мая 2010 г.

Daggermines - opal, 104, mid-winter

First, another silly artifact has been made.

Second, the aquaeduct system on which our miners, engineers and mechanics were working for the last year, is ready to be set to work. Moogle Rigothadag, one of the first two miners of Daggermines, is awarded of honor of digging the last few piles of earth that keeps water from flowing into the system. The dead goblins are surrounding the place.

Well, actually, there are a few floodgate rows between the river and the cistern in case that something goes wrong... and, uh, i just remembered that we didn't set up a floodgate between the cistern and a corridor leading to fortress, so good thing there are the mentioned floodgates! Someone went to fix that mistake.
Meanwhile, water is filling part of the system that is ok to fill for now.

The missing floodgate is at its righteous place now and water is slowly filling an enormous cistern we dug deep under the fortress:

At least part of the aquaeduct system is finished, and peasants totally rejoice.

Daggermines - moonstone, 104, early winter

These bastards would never stop trying.

The military answer was quick and ferocious.Well thank you very much, now someone has to clean up whatever crap we were keeping at the trade depot (or i can hope to bargain some blood-covered mugs to elves, they looked stupid enough last time i saw them).

Then, suddenly, more gobbos popped out of their hiding places, right when the soldiers went back to drinking. A miner was caught outside and chased away. The soldiers made it back quickly and confronted the inviders.


Things were going pretty good for our team, when one of the soldiers was ambushed by another party of goblins! And a large one i'd say.

Curse them!

More soldiers arrive to avenge their fallen comrade.

The fight quickly ends with our team winning over, but poor Logem is already out. This was a third dwarf who has fallen here in Daggermines.
I guess it could be much, much worse but i certainly need to think of a way to improve our military. They cannot run around squishing goblins with only their bare hands.

And, by the way, the fortress' current state is as of following:

Daggermines, sandstone, 104, mid-autumn

These damn merchants! They were contagious! What kind of a madness is that, i ask?

An image of a sasquatch and maple bracelet on a fucking bag? Oh he must be kidding.
I mentioned an injured guy who's been in a bed for the last year... Guess what, he certainly had no time lost without action, because a second child has been born here in Daggermines, and guess who's the lucky parents?

Also, considering that he did not left his bed - not even to pee - and this mentioned bed is placed right in the barracks - well, you know, where other military and guard dwarves are around all the time... No one missed any action there!

Then i found out that goblins must be spying on us all the time, because only a few days passed after the girl was born and we have a goblin snatcher trying to sneak past the guards.
Yes, there are still dead goblins there, just outside the entrace, rotting in the plain sight.
Dumb fucker tryed to run away when soldiers saw him...

...but a soldier came up after him to tear his fucking dirty hands out!

And then some migrants came despite the danger. First thing they saw entering Daggermines estate is mountain walls covered in blood (left bottom corner). Hail Daggermines!

воскресенье, 2 мая 2010 г.

Daggermines - limestnne, 104, early autumn

"The water project" as i'm calling it is handled pretty well so far, except for some dumb workers who took a bad habid of locking themselves behind an newly-installed floodgates.

One of the mechanics had done the same to keep everyone out and get some sleep. And, by the way, i'm going to try some obsidian farming while we're at it. This is the top level of a future farm.

There's two tubes leading to the obsidian farm, one for a water flowing in and another to dump unneded water to the chasm. There's also other such "chasm water-dump" tubes in other places, and rows of floodgates that, when combined, theoretically shall allow an upgrade of the system with more tunnels if needed (one of the sections may be emptied to the chasm for an upgrade without dumping a whole cistern the same way).
We'll see what kind of disaster all of this can inflict along the way.

 There's a good news about Kib (the guy who almost torn a leg out of himself while training): he spent a year in his bed already, but he's slowly healing so not all hope is lost for his wife and newborn child! All hail Kib Zuntirulab!

A caravan from Korendok has arrived, and the mearchants are fucking crazy, as always.

I was actually telling them how fucking greeady they are, when suddenly...

Are this gobbos fucking dumb or what? We already beat a crap out of them during the previous ambush, and they're doing it again in the exactly same circumstances. And again we have to clean up the main entrance! What the hell is wrong with them?

Daggermines - malachite, 104, mid-summer

Life goes by, fortress are kinda improving - corridors getting smoothed, room getting furnished, folks getting drunker. Someone have made another artifact to replace the lost toy axe:

Miners have found a silver and another gold vein. A human caravan arrived with their guild representative. This one is determined to leave as soon as the caravan takes off, at least its how it seems.
I'm starting to think that humans could be rather useful, because they brought many useful things i've ordered last years - plenty of wood, booze, meat and cheap leather. And they think they're making a tremendous profit with whatever lousy stone shit we're giving them for their good.
Some stupid kobold tryed to sneak past the main entrance while everyone were hauling stuff to\from the trade depod. A total moron i'd say.

There's some other project i took on - it's truly dangerous to tap into thw underground river with our current level of military training, so i have a plan to dig a quite long tunnel to transport water from an outside river and store it in a cistern deep below the fortress. it is unclear now if we'll be able to power a pump stack with the river water running that way...

Fuck the migrants! Why would this fortress be dangerous? We have at least SOME military here, after all.
Speaking of military, while refilling their waterskins our brave champions were attacked by a couple of harpyes. Military did a good job of killing two of the wretched things, while one managed to escape atill beaten up like crap:

суббота, 1 мая 2010 г.

Daggermines - granite, 104, early spring

(This is the first time when i loaded a saved game)

Jeez, that was kind of a nightmare i had, hehe.
No hurry to make it real, so no touching of that fucked river for now. The winter was quite uneventful, except for two eings of native copper and gold that our miners had found and mined out.
Rita the wood burner had given birth to a boy, first child born here in Daggermines. The poor baby isn't gonna have an easy life around here, because its father is Kib, the one who's still lying out there unconscious. He's been in this condition for quite a some time now and i do wonder if he ever gonna wake up.

Springtime lured some elves out of their so-called forest retreats.

This time they brought some wood with them (not nearly enough, but better than nothing at all). Dumb suckers traded all the wood for 3 stone mugs.

Some kobolt stole our artifact toy axe while everyone were rocking at the party.I'm sure noone noticed. And hey! I'm a Mayor now

I'm totally tempted to issue some stupid ban sometime soon to have a feel of it.