вторник, 27 апреля 2010 г.

Daggermines - Things get fucked up #1 Part 2

The story continues. Surviving dwarves run to the fortress with a sceletal giant toad followind them in.

It kills more dwarves on the way.

The fucking thing enters the fortress where it is confronted by a recruit. The recruit is torn in pieces in a matter of seconds.

And then we're totally fucked up.
More deaths follow, both dwarves and tame animals. Some dwarves die while trying to get their wounded comrades out, some are smashed by the toad that roams inner rooms. Numbers quickly drop from 52 dwarves (with migrants) to 26. The fortress is filled with stench of dead, smashed bodies and piles of bones everywhere.

And this precisely the time when a human caravan arrives! What do they think we're doing here, taking a nap?

The fucking toad comes out of somewhere and attacks another survivor.

22 dwarves. The toad now roams the sleeping quarters, killing anything that's still alive. Then it's chasing a few dwarves back to the waterfront... It's only 17 of us left now.

OH HOLY FUCK! They totally chose the right time, the show must go on!

That was too much indeed.

 27 with the new migrants, but back down to 15 very soon.

This is the last thing that i can think of to save us. Everyone who's still alive are drafted and gathered in one place. Not everyone make it there... There's only 11 of us left, 9 capable of moving, 1 injured and Cheedorf who went insane.
Oh wait... 9 now. 9 of us. Out of 52+another wave of migrants.
5. 4. Less... Poor Cheesedorf had found his death somewhere in the dark halls of Daggermines. I am still alive.
The fortress is dead and decaying. This is all.

Daggermines - Things get fucked up #1 Part 1

Migrants! And so many of them at one time! Probably other fortresses around are suffering something worse than a few undead monsters capable of tearing you apart. Or maybe they head of the elven caravan torn to pieces and wanted to try this "lucky elven" place after all. Anyways, i am a mayor now and i thought i need a personal guard or two. Kib has not yet recovered from his injury and after i drafted some pesants to be my fortress guards he authomatically became a captain of the guard. Must be strange for them to have unconscious captain right from the start, but that's life.
We're low on beds and wood here, so i hope the human caravan would come soon with my preordered goods. Someone really have to invent a mail system around here, is takes a year to get any order you've placed!

The same time i ordered engineers and miners to begun construction of a water cistern for the future project, but due to their dumbness they made a mistake of breaching the wall that was between us and the river, and a sceletal giant toad immediately leaped out of the water and scared them like hell.

Things are real quick down there and just in a few seconds...

The damned thing had literally torn poor guy to pieces. I'd never await anything like that from, you know, a TOAD. Military arrives just in time to cause further destruction and mess.


I'm not sure what happened, but looks like guys got mad and jumped right into the river to beat shit out of  whatever they saw there. The river is full of chunks and bones of dead creatures, but what we have now, is a dead miner and all of the fortress' champions (save for one) are also dead so far. But the river massacre isn't finished yet. More fauna aches to get inside and the last standing champion and his two newly drafted wrestler comrades are holding them out.

The wrestler falls down first. The champion quickly follows him. There's only one wrestler left now, i draft  two more dwarves but that's probably too late now... The last wrestler has been struck down.

Before i can stop them, some dwarves run down mindlessly to loot the dead bodies. Not a bright idea. More casualties follow up:

Daggermines - opal, 103, mid-winter

Good news at least! Rita Menagl, the wood burner, is a mother now. A first child born right here in Daggermines!

Well i suppose i was praising her too early.

 What about my newly set metal production?! I demand it to work now!
Oh wait a sec... Who's the lucky father?

Oh jeez, holy carp, that's bad. I mean, having a full-time metal worker mom and unconscious legless dad.

That's how things tend to go around here, in happy Daggermines.

понедельник, 26 апреля 2010 г.

Daggermines - timber, 103, late autumn

After the (failed) ambush Mosus the mechanic, who did not even bother to clean himself of the goblin blood mess, ran straight to the workshop and made this:

Great. A legendary toy axe first and now a legendary mechanism. There are other creative designs, especially around our newly-engraved dining hall:

Very inspiring, isn't it. I now tend to eat in my own apartment instead of the dining hall.

Besides that, i am inspired with my own creative ideas. There are some things we are in need of: a water, a metals and a glass. To get water we need to make sure no swimming undead monstrosity makes it past the sequrity system, which i still need to think over, but it certainly needs pumps. To build pumps we need metal and glass (wood would do it, but we're kinda short on wood here), so there must be a metal and a glass industryes both set on going. And for both of them we need magma forges.

I ordered to dug a magma cistern, which connects with the volcano through fortification spots carved in its side (a holes in stone leading to magma, simply saying) to keep away nasty things that live in magma. There also a bauxite floodgate that shuts the cistern out of the volcano to keep anything that passed the fortification holes away at all times. The cistern is almost full now and soon shall be ready for use.

Another idea i'm playing around with is obsidian farming, but that's not vital right now. Besides, we have the action going on again! As i was writing, i am told that one of our champions, Rovod, had gone to the river to fill his waterskin and was spotted by giant skeletal eagle. The creature chose wrong prey: Rovod is a stout guy and made the damn thing to its final rest getting only a minor scratch.

Another guy wasn't so lucky through. Kib has injured his leg really bad during some training exercise and now is lying in the barracks, unconscious (another reason to get build a well as soon as possible). I appointed Kib our new Sheriff as i guess he can't be a good soldier with his leg so mangled.

пятница, 23 апреля 2010 г.

Daggermines - Sandstone, 103, mid-autumn

A caravan from Karrendok has arrived with much awaited goods. But even before i was able to take a look at them a bunch of goblins suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Merchants and their animals (yeah, stout dwarven animals for the win!) quickly opposed them. One goblin had managed to run through the main entrance when he met our only dog. The dog did a good job of tearing the fucking goblin apart.

Daggermines military (all are legendary wrestlers now) arrives only to see the enemy already smashed to the ground and valuable spoils of war being hauled inside.

The main entrance is looking like total massacre now, with the dead goblins and their blood spilled around everywhere. I ordered to clean the mess but noone seem to willingly do that, and i'm too concerned about the dogs that the caravan finally brought me. There are 5 dogs in Daggermines now, 4 of them being trained to become the wardogs and 1 (the first) had became a pet of a mechanic (he was so lonely that i allowed him to keep it).

Daggermines - Malachite, 103, mid-summer

A human caravan from Mong Senre has arrived along with their guild representative to bug me. I was amazed how cheap their trade was comparing to our own merchants from Karendok, an iron anvil's price was 1/3 of the one the dwarven merchants had claimed it costs!

These fool humans don't even exactly know how to trade, heh heh.
I bought a ton of cheap leather for armor, some wood, booze aaand... wait, wait for it... here it comes... alsmost... a dog! Yeah! I'll order to train it as soon as the cage arrives and then make sure it guards the most important person in this fort (me).

Some other news: half of the wrestlers became elite. I poked a nose in their quarters and it looked like they're having some king of orgyes there, with clothes simple left on a floor around.

Everything seemed alright until we lost the Sheriff. He was hunting when a harpy chose him for a prey.

Our first casualty. RIP poor Lazyfrog, you will not be lost in vain. The dwarves that heard him screaming had come to help but it's already too late. Well, at least they're salvaing his belongings that could be used by someone else.

I appointed Iguana Ingishtorish to be our new Sheriff and strictly forbid him to hunt anything. We don't want to feed any more harpyes here, do we?
Not a day passed and we need another Sheriff here! I don't even know how that happened but it surely wasn't a fucking harpy this time:

At least, this time it's got what it deserved.

I bet, seeing all this happening in a matter of a few days, this human guild representative will refuse to leave until their next caravan comes, because the caravan had already embarked on a journey and the representative did not. And, well, of course:

The instant loss of two our fellow dwarves had affected everyone so deeply that everyone had to come out with their own means to handle it. Cheesedorf had organized a party in the dining hall, and LostEden was making something really secretive.

And she made a splendid... WHAT?!

We'll all get fucking insane in this place of death.

Daggermines - Felsite, 103, late spring

Holy crapfuck! A river full of undeaded everything!

That does not actually shows sceletal cave crocodiles, olms and giant toads, and all this discovered thanks to Moogle who dug his exploratory channel right into the shore. When i asked him what the hell was he looking for, he said it was a seventh sense (the one after "looking for booze" sense).
Now we need to form a plan how to get water from there and not get ourselves eaten by a sceletal cave crocodile.

Daggermines - Slate, 103, mid-spring

This is a month's overall report.

A spring is upon us, and it brought an Elven caravan along. They unloaded whatever they call "the goods" while i was taking a nap, and then, while everyone were hauling things to the trade depot, someone spotted a goblin pedophile right in the main corridor!

The sneaky bastard was probably going to steal our only child, but before anyone decided what to do he quickly made it out and was gone. I'm getting conserned about the Trap tunnel not being built fast enough.
 In the maintime we bought some elven booze and seeds. Pointy-eary bastards did not brought any dogs with them, not that i expected, through...

What i did NOT expect is arriving of a whole bunch of migrants. I was told that the autumn caravan successfully made it back to Mountainhomes and the merchants, while being upset with no real profit made from visiting us, appeared to give a nice impression on Daggermines back home. So the people decided they'd try their fortune and leave cluttered tunnels of Karendok. The downsite is that we don't even have that many beds around here! And we'd probably need a sheriff to keep an eye out on the lazy bastards. I drafted four of them right away to start training (we don't exactly have weapons around here but they can try to wrestle each other at least) and appointed a hunter Lazyfrog Saziromrist to be the Sheriff.

Only a few days had passed and and one of the newcomers had killed a Skeletal giant cave swallow which attacked him when he was returning a kill, but the guy was so terrifyed by the thing that he run away leaving all the meat behind. I wonder what the hunters'll do when their initial stock of glass arrow will run out.

Meanwhile, Sneezelover has organized a welcoming party for everyone at the cat cage. The room appeared to be too small for so many dwarves cluttered in, but it was pretty cool as awakened the feel of Mountainhomes which we, who are living in Daggermines for a year now, had almost forgot.

And a good news: the liason has FINALLY left for Karendok. I hope he reaches it in time to tell merchants what i wanted them to bring this time.

четверг, 22 апреля 2010 г.

Daggermines - 27th obsidian, 102, late winter

Holy shit! I thought the only *real* living things around here are harpyes, but Moogle managed to bump right into a living muskoxes! He says they scared the shit out of him (so unaccustomed he became to see living things in these lands) and boasts that he saw also an alive goat somewhere.
The downside that there are undead goats probably somewhere, but having alive animals around is a good news.

Overall nothing interesting happens. Everyone's busy furnishing private quarters while masons are producing furniture, i also ordered to make some looming equipment, which gave us roops to tie down cows and horses (this is going to be a hit! we just have to wait until they breed like rabbids, and voila! the fresh meat!). It was so calm around that Woodhouse went outside to cut some trees, as we were running low on wood.

Another small improvement made by me to ensure out future safety, is a narrow tunnel stuffed with stone-fall traps and a few floodgates to block out the tunnel to segments. Who said traps are for sissies? Oh well, i hope that helps until we'd train some military. There's also a new treasury room full of stone mugs and other crap for sale, placed near the trade gate (i like to call it this way: Trade gate) so it wont take too long to move everything to the trade depot.