понедельник, 26 апреля 2010 г.

Daggermines - timber, 103, late autumn

After the (failed) ambush Mosus the mechanic, who did not even bother to clean himself of the goblin blood mess, ran straight to the workshop and made this:

Great. A legendary toy axe first and now a legendary mechanism. There are other creative designs, especially around our newly-engraved dining hall:

Very inspiring, isn't it. I now tend to eat in my own apartment instead of the dining hall.

Besides that, i am inspired with my own creative ideas. There are some things we are in need of: a water, a metals and a glass. To get water we need to make sure no swimming undead monstrosity makes it past the sequrity system, which i still need to think over, but it certainly needs pumps. To build pumps we need metal and glass (wood would do it, but we're kinda short on wood here), so there must be a metal and a glass industryes both set on going. And for both of them we need magma forges.

I ordered to dug a magma cistern, which connects with the volcano through fortification spots carved in its side (a holes in stone leading to magma, simply saying) to keep away nasty things that live in magma. There also a bauxite floodgate that shuts the cistern out of the volcano to keep anything that passed the fortification holes away at all times. The cistern is almost full now and soon shall be ready for use.

Another idea i'm playing around with is obsidian farming, but that's not vital right now. Besides, we have the action going on again! As i was writing, i am told that one of our champions, Rovod, had gone to the river to fill his waterskin and was spotted by giant skeletal eagle. The creature chose wrong prey: Rovod is a stout guy and made the damn thing to its final rest getting only a minor scratch.

Another guy wasn't so lucky through. Kib has injured his leg really bad during some training exercise and now is lying in the barracks, unconscious (another reason to get build a well as soon as possible). I appointed Kib our new Sheriff as i guess he can't be a good soldier with his leg so mangled.

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